CX Engine Update

In the latest update of our CMS we have implemented a user manageble meta tags. Meta tags are providing the search engines with extra information about the user website. The most important is the Title tag. It is the only visible tag and is located at the first line of browser window (header of browser). The rest of the tags are not visible, but they all significantly improve the SEO site optimization.

Title tag - not officialy in the Meta tag group is the most important and has the biggest impact with all the bigger search engines. It is important to put in it keywords that are used the most. Ideal character lenght of the title tag is up to 80 characters, although the Google can show only 66 and Yahoo can see up to 120 characters.

Web site SEO optimization - W3Industry

Description Meta tag - second important Meta tag that contains the page description of the website. This tag is supported by all search engines and it is important that its length is bellow 120 characters.


"Web site optimization, how to, modrewrite and sitemap"

Keywords Meta Tag - contains keywords and phrases used on the web page. This Meta tag has lost a lot on its value due to malicious use of it in the past. Only yahoo still uses it and few other search engines. Should not be over 250 characters.


"seo, website optimization, web page optimization, search engine optimization, the use of meta tags, mod rewrite, sitemap"

We have also implemented the best modrewrite system. Modrewrite is a static html page simulation system, although the website is completely dynamic. Since all of the search engines still favor the static html pages we have implemented the enhanced version of modrewrite system that enables our clients the best SEO website optimization.


In our latest update automatic sitemap XML file creation is enabled. Sitemap significantly enhances the SEO website optimization. It allows the search engines to find all the pages on the website, especially on big websites. This is the best way to allow the search engines access the entire structure of your website.

  • “Always available team of W3Industry has enabled us, beside our two current web pages taraparket and taradoo, to begin work on another, third web page that is necessairy for our company.”

    Slobodan Ranković Tara Parket